Sunday, 1 January 2012

2012 Reading Goals

In 2011 I completed 77 books.  When given the option today by Goodreads to set a goal for 2012, I opted for 80.  I would note that I started 2011 with a goal of 50 books, and upped it periodically as it became clear that it would be possible.  I suppose my 'goal goal' would be 100, but that's two books a week on average, and even counting picture books (which I do count: nb further post on this topic would be a good idea) that's a challenge.  But I'll keep it in mind.

As I have done for the past few years, I'll be counting how many books I'm reading by authors who are not white: the premise being that these writers bring a distinct and different voice that may be missed if a reader is not conscious of who they are reading.  I hope to reach a goal of 50 this year.  I've come close in previous years, I'm hoping this time to succeed.

I'll also be following a quite similar challenge, the Queerlit50.  This challenge is to read books by authors who identify as being other than 'straight'.

Then there is the Australian Women Writers challenge, previously discussed.  I've given myself a goal of 40 for this challenge.

Lest you be doing the maths and be about to point out that I'm already looking at 140 books, it is important to note that books can count for more than one challenge.  For example, the first book I've read this year, Poppy at Summerhill by Gabrielle Wang, counts for both the Australian Women Writers challenge and 50books_poc.

Finally, having managed in the last few months of 2011 to read down my "Currently Reading" list to something approaching sensible, I'd like to do the same to my "On Hiatus" shelf, currently sitting at 45 books.

So those are my plans.  I've set up a list in the sidebar where you can see what I'm up to in these various challenges at any point in time - so long as I've kept it up to date, of course.

Happy 2012!

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