Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Review: Team Human

Team Human
Team Human by Justine Larbalestier

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Somehow I've deleted two initial versions of this review without meaning to. Anyway:

Loved it. Loved, loved, loved.

Mel is an awesome character (Kit is even more awesome). I love that Larbalestier and Rees Brennan have made sure that there is non-preachy, incidental inclusion of queer and non-white characters. I don't love the universe quite as much as I love the Blue Bloods-verse, but it's a fascinating concept, and the book plays with so VERY many of the tropes of Vampire fiction it's wonderful.

I would love there to be another book set in New Whitby, to see other aspects of the Shade, and to find out how things are going with Kit and Mel. And Cathy and Anna and even with Francis, I suppose.

View all my reviews


  1. Would you consider this Horror, Heidi? (I'm getting together a Twitter list of AWW horror writers.)

  2. I wouldn't (too snarky, no actual deaths, not at all scary or spinechilling), but if all vampire stories count as horror then this would, too. It's more urban fantasy, I suppose (which is a gener I always feel was created for vampire romances.)
